Orchid Katana
SH1207 - 999.- EUR
Each piece
in the Orchid Series (SH1207, SH1208, & SH1209) has a hand-forged
& folded K120C powder
steel blade, differentially tempered using a traditional claying method
to produce an HRC60 edge, HRC40 back. The temper line (hamon) is
evident and prominent and the grain pattern (hada) shows distinct
layers. The saya are deeply lacquered in blue. High quality ray skin
(same) is used on the tsuka, and the tsuka-ito and sageo on all three
pieces are woven from premium Japanese cotton. The tsuba of the katana
and wakizashi is of blackened iron, with an Orchid and Butterfly
decoration inlaid in silver, brass and copper. The scabbard mouth
(koiguchi) and cord knob (kurikata) are of buffalo horn, and the fuchi,
kashira and kojiri are of blackened bronzed iron with silver and gold
detailing. The blade collar (habaki) is a one-piece brass construction.
The katana and wakizashi feature a medium-length (chu) kissaki.
Also available Orchid Katana (SH1207) - Wakisashi (SH1208) - Tanto
- Hand forged
and folded steel blade
- Excellent quality
- Traditional construction
Tera pikkus: 28" - 71.12 cm
Käepideme pikkus: 11.5" - 29.21 cm
Kogupikkus: 40.5" - 102.87 cm
Kaal: 2lb 3oz - 992 gr.
Tasakaalu punkt: 6" - 15.24 cm
Laius käekaitsme juures: 1.17" - 2.97 cm
Laius tipus: 0.82" - 2.08 cm
Paksus käekaitsme juures: .24" - 6.1 mm
Paksus tipus: .17" - 4.3 mm
Tera kumerus (Sori): 3/4" - 19 mm
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