
Uusharp 3000/8000 Combination Stone

UUS-3k8k01 |
(3000/8000) kombineeritud vesikivi (180 x 60 x 28 mm) koos alusega.
99.- EUR |
Professional combination water stone, using white corundum
calcination. Good grinding feel and effect is perfect for you selection.
Combinations of different grit, not only easy to use, but it can
effectively improve the utilization of Waterstone.

Uusharp 2000/5000 Combination Stone

UUS-2k5k01 |
(2000/5000) kombineeritud vesikivi (180 x 60 x 28 mm) koos alusega. |
95.- EUR |
Professional combination water stone, using white corundum
calcination. Good grinding feel and effect is perfect for you selection.
Combinations of different grit, not only easy to use, but it can
effectively improve the utilization of Waterstone.

Uusharp 1000/8000 Combination Stone

UUS-1k8k01 |
(1000/8000) kombineeritud vesikivi (180 x 60 x 28 mm) koos alusega. |
90.- EUR |
Professional combination water stone, using white corundum
calcination. Good grinding feel and effect is perfect for you selection.
Combinations of different grit, not only easy to use, but it can
effectively improve the utilization of Waterstone.

Uusharp 1000/6000 Combination Stone

UUS-1k6k01 |
(1000/6000) kombineeritud vesikivi (180 x 60 x 28 mm) koos alusega. |
85.- EUR |
Professional combination water stone, using white corundum
calcination. Good grinding feel and effect is perfect for you selection.
Combinations of different grit, not only easy to use, but it can
effectively improve the utilization of Waterstone.

Uusharp 1000/3000 Combination Stone

UUS-1k3k01 |
(1000/3000) kombineeritud vesikivi (180 x 60 x 28 mm) koos alusega. |
80.- EUR |
Professional combination water stone, using white corundum
calcination. Good grinding feel and effect is perfect for you selection.
Combinations of different grit, not only easy to use, but it can
effectively improve the utilization of Waterstone.

Uusharp 400/1000 Combination Stone

UUS-4001k01 |
(400/1000) kombineeritud vesikivi (180 x 60 x 28 mm) koos alusega. |
70.- EUR |
Professional combination water stone, using white corundum
calcination. Good grinding feel and effect is perfect for you selection.
Combinations of different grit, not only easy to use, but it can
effectively improve the utilization of Waterstone.

Uusharp 240/800 Combination Stone

SH-24080001 |
(240/800) kombineeritud vesikivi (180 x 60 x 28 mm) koos alusega. |
60.- EUR |
Professional combination water stone, using white corundum
calcination. Good grinding feel and effect is perfect for you selection.
Combinations of different grit, not only easy to use, but it can
effectively improve the utilization of Waterstone.

Lisad luiskudele:
Matsunaga sünteetiline Nagura puhastuskivi

NG-S01 |
Nagura puhastuskivi (72 x 23 x 19 mm)
8.- EUR |
Nagura puhastuskivi kasutatakse luisukivi pinna puhastamiseks ning
poleerpasta tegemiseks.

Togeru nurgahoidja

TG-01 |
18.- EUR |
Togeru nurgahoidja on mõeldud enamasti kööginugadele.
See on väga lihtsalt kasutatav, lihtsalt kinnita noa turjale ja
kõik ongi kasutamiseks valmis.
Hoidik hoiab tera õige nurga all.
Teritamisel hoia valge keraamiline pind vastu luisukivi.
Niiviisi püsib nurk stabiilne ja liigutused on kontrolli all.
Tera maksimaalne laius: 50 mm.
Tera maksimaalne paksus: 3 mm.

DMT Libisemiskindel matt

Libisemiskindel matt
10.- EUR |
Hoiab luisukivi kindlalt paigas.
Sobib enamusele luisukividest, aga ka muudele teritajatele.
Mõõtmed: 100 x 250 mm.

TRU-GR01 |
8.- EUR |
Tiheda koega ränikarbiid rest ebaühtlaste luisukivide
Asetage rest tasasele pinnale, ning hõõruge niisket
luisukivi ringikujuliste liigutustega.
Mõõtmed: 140 x 230 mm.
SteeleX luisukivi hoidja

ST-D1091 |
luisukivi hoidja
35.- EUR |
Luisukividele pikkusega 14 cm kuni
20.9 cm (5.5" - 9")
Reljeefsest kummist hoidikud hoiavad luisukivi libisemisest.
Mõõtmed: avatult 220 mm, laius 70 mm.
