
Norton vesiluisud
Norton vesiluisk
Norton vesiluisk (NT336)
Norton vesiluisk (NT336)
Norton vesiluisk (NT336)
Norton vesiluisk (NT336)

NT335 Norton 8" kahepoolne vesiluisk 220 / 1000
77.- EUR
NT336 Norton 8" kahepoolne vesiluisk 4000 / 8000 171.- EUR
NT450 Norton 8" kahepoolne vesiluisk 1000 / 4000 122.- EUR
NT505 Norton 8" vesiluisk 220 (extra coarse) ekstra jäme 59.- EUR
Norton 8" vesiluisk 8000 (extra fine) ekstra peen
188.- EUR

Waterstones are synthetic stones designed to be softer than oil stones.
These softer grade stones are used with water as the lubricant (versus oil) to develop fast-cutting slurry.
Designed in a carefully planned and efficient sharpening sequence.
You get the level of abrasiveness that you need at each stage, without wasting time trying to sharpen your knives on a grit that is too fine, too soon.

The Norton 24336 Japanese-style 4000/8000-grit combination waterstone creates an abrasive slurry for effective sharpening, with 4000 grit on one face for maintaining and refining a cutting edge, and 8000 grit on the opposite face for polishing cutting edges; this 1 x 8 x 3 inch (H x W x D) stone, suitable for bench use, cleans up easily with water, and comes encased in a blue plastic hinged box. (H is height, the vertical distance from lowest to highest point; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right; D is depth, the horizontal distance from front to back.) The box protects the waterstone and provides a reservoir to keep it moist. The removable box lid, with no-slip rubber feet, acts as a sharpening station to hold the waterstone in place during bench use.

This synthetic waterstone is created by grading abrasive material to a consistent particle size and blending it with bonding agents. It is then molded and surface-finished. Waterstones have a finer grit and softer bond than oilstones, and use water as the lubricant to develop a slurry, a thin paste of abrasive grains and water that removes metal with less pressure than an oilstone requires. Cleanup is easier than with oil as lubricant. The use of waterstones originated in Japan, where such stones occur naturally. As a result, some synthetic waterstones may be called “Japanese-style.” However, whether natural or synthetic, and whether labeled “Japanese-style,” all waterstones have the same basic characteristics. This stone conforms to the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) for waterstones.

Sharpening stones, or whetstones, are abrasive surfaces used to sharpen and hone the edges of steel cutting implements such as chisels, knives, scissors, hand scrapers, and plane blades. Sharpening is the process of creating or re-establishing a cutting edge by grinding away portions of the metal to adjust the angle of the edge and reform the shape. Honing removes small imperfections. Stones can be flat, for working flat edges, or shaped, for edges that are more complex. Sharpening stones are made of natural or synthetic materials that range from softer to harder, and are categorized by the size of their abrasive particles, known as grit. A stone with a coarser grit is used when more metal needs to be removed (e.g., when sharpening a nicked or very dull blade); the stone with the finest grit produces the sharpest edge. Where numbers are assigned to specify grit, they range from coarser grit (low) to finer grit (high). Some sharpening stones are designed for use with a lubricating liquid, some can be used dry, and others can be used either wet or dry. When used with lubricating liquid, a sharpening stone can be called a waterstone or an oilstone, based on the lubricant required.

Norton Abrasives manufactures sanding, grinding, and polishing abrasives, and has been located in the United States since 1885.
Norton, now a brand of Saint-Gobain, meets ISO 9000 and 14001 certification for quality and environmental management standards.

Lisad luiskudele:
Matsunaga sünteetiline Nagura puhastuskivi
Nagura puhastuskivi
NG-S01 Matsunaga sünteetiline Nagura puhastuskivi (72 x 23 x 19 mm)
Laos 8.- EUR

Nagura puhastuskivi kasutatakse luisukivi pinna puhastamiseks ning poleerpasta tegemiseks.

Nagura puhastuskivi

Togeru nurgahoidja
Togeru nurgahoidja
TG-01 Togeru nurgahoidja                                                 
Laos 18.- EUR

Togeru nurgahoidja on mõeldud enamasti kööginugadele.
See on väga lihtsalt kasutatav, lihtsalt kinnita noa turjale ja kõik ongi kasutamiseks valmis.
Hoidik hoiab tera õige nurga all.
Teritamisel hoia valge keraamiline pind vastu luisukivi.
Niiviisi püsib nurk stabiilne ja liigutused on kontrolli all.

Tera maksimaalne laius: 50 mm.
Tera maksimaalne paksus: 3 mm.

Togeru nurgahoidja

DMT Libisemiskindel matt
DMT Libisemiskindel matt
DMT-NSM01 DMT Libisemiskindel matt                                            
Laos 10.- EUR

Hoiab luisukivi kindlalt paigas.
Sobib enamusele luisukividest, aga ka muudele teritajatele.

Mõõtmed: 100 x 250 mm.

TRU-GR01 Tasandusrest                                                
Laos 8.- EUR

Tiheda koega ränikarbiid rest ebaühtlaste luisukivide tasandamiseks.
Asetage rest tasasele pinnale, ning hõõruge niisket luisukivi ringikujuliste liigutustega.

Mõõtmed: 140 x 230 mm.

SteeleX luisukivi hoidja
SteeleX luisukivi hoidja
ST-D1091 SteeleX luisukivi hoidja                                            
Laos 35.- EUR

Luisukividele pikkusega 14 cm kuni 20.9 cm (5.5" - 9")

Reljeefsest kummist hoidikud hoiavad luisukivi libisemisest.

Mõõtmed: avatult 220 mm, laius 70 mm.

SteeleX luisukivi hoidja
